Pleasant Hill Middle School Bands

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to own an instrument to be in band?

No! While most students do choose to rent or purchase their own personal instrument, Pleasant Hill Middle School has an inventory of school-owned instruments that students may rent for a small yearly fee. This inventory includes instruments such as the oboe, bassoon, french horn, baritone, and tuba.

Can I be in band and play sports?

Yes! Many of the band students at PHMS participate in school sports such as football, cheerleading, volleyball, wrestling, soccer, softball, basketball, baseball, lacrosse, and track. Every effort will be made to accommodate student schedules so they may participate in both.

Can I be in band and take other related arts classes like Art, Drama, Dance, or Adventure Ed?

Yes! Most of our students choose to take Band, PE, and one other elective each year that they are at PHMS. Almost all of our band students are able to take every elective they are interested in during their three years at PHMS.

What instruments can I choose from?

Students may choose to play any instrument in the woodwind, brass, or percussion family. Woodwind instruments include the flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, and saxophone. Brass instruments include the trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone, and tuba. Students wishing to play percussion will learn how to play the snare drum, bass drum, and bells. Click here to learn more about the different band instruments.

What extra opportunities will I have if I join band?

As well as participating in a daily band class, students will have multiple opportunities for enriching musical experiences outside of class. All band classes will perform two or three concerts a year. Students may participate in jazz band and may choose to audition for the Region 2 Honor Band, the SCBDA All-State Band, and the Lexington 1 District Honor Band. Students may also choose to perform for the Solo and Ensemble Festival in Columbia or to participate in the annual spring trip. This year, members of the seventh and eighth grade bands will be traveling to Disney World in Orlando, FL to perform!

Do I need to join band my sixth grade year?

Yes. Students interested in joining band should plan to do so during their sixth grade year. Students do not need to have any prior musical knowledge to be in band—they will start with the basics of music reading before learning how to play the instrument of their choice.

Can I be in band, chorus, and orchestra?

Yes and no. You may not take both band and orchestra (as both are year-long classes), but you can take both band and chorus during your sixth grade year. In seventh grade you must choose either to take band or chorus as you cannot take both.